2024-09-19, 12:42
2024-12-31, 12:42

Status runway 2024

Status runway:

1 bane lys er fjernet grunnet feil med den.
Første lys sør/vest etter runway entrence bravo.

Vindpølser er ikke i orden . Disse kan vise feil vindstyrke.
Nye er bestilt.

Trær i innflygning til rulle bane 33 er for høye.
De skal kappes vinter 24/25.

***************** ENGLISH ********************

One runway light has been removed due to a malfunction.
First light south/west after runway entrance Bravo.

The windsocks are not functioning correctly.
They may show incorrect wind speeds.
New ones have been ordered.

Trees in the approach path to runway 33 are too tall.
They will be trimmed during the winter of 2024/2025.